August 29th, 2024


Introducing Advanced User Segmentation

The user segmentation feature has received a huge rework to support:

  • Custom data filtering - When syncing your customer data with Featurebase, you can provide custom attributes to later segment data.

    • This allows you to filter feedback with attributes like location=X, plan=Y, subscription=free, visitedDashboard=true, etc.. the possibilities are endless.

  • OR + AND rules - Create multiple segment group rules and have full control over whether both should be matched or only one of them.

  • ANY + ALL matching - Choose if all the rules in one segment group should be matched or only one.

This unlocks so many new use cases for filtering feedback and segmenting changelogs/surveys, we can’t wait for you to try it out! 🥳

If you have not yet tried out our user segmentation feature, check out:

More changelog improvements

The changelog now shows you how many notification emails you can send each month and allows you to import subscribers manually.

Starter plan (old Growth plan) users now also have the ability to import their changelog subscribers →

Other improvements & fixes

  • Improved roadmap design to better separate columns

  • Improved Linear integration sync speed and reliability

  • Added Swedish language support

  • Improved changelog subscriber list loading speed

  • Fixed issue with manual subscriber importing

  • Fixed custom field editing issue when switching between posts

  • + many other minor improvements