
Follow new updates and improvements to Featurebase.

April 25th 2024




Our Featurebase AI assistant is now in beta to instantly answer any questions you have about Featurebase from the bottom-right corner of the app.

It uses information about your organization to tailor responses and help you resolve issues based on your specific setup/settings.

The bot knows its limits and forwards the chat to us if it lacks the knowledge or is unable to help.

Changelog segmentation rework

The changelog segmentation functionality has received a full rework to help you effortlessly send updates to different user groups. It works based on the same segments you have for posts and surveys.

Infrastructure improvements

Our usage has grown a lot recently, so we've made huge upgrades to our infrastructure to offer much better performance at peak times.

In addition, we've introduced more redundancy to avoid annoying downtimes caused by single points of failure.

SDK identify improvements

We've rewritten the SDK identify functionality to smartly forward the authentication state to all widgets.

This is automatically enabled if you already use the widgets combined with the identify functionality.

Public user profiles & inbox

Users can now see all of their activity (posts, comments, upvotes) under their profile.

To view profiles, users can click on their profile picture and select 'My profile'.

Moreover, users now have a notification center to catch up with unviewed messages if they missed them in an email.

Many bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Fixed bug with views sometimes restoring as "Pending posts" when the option wasn't enabled

  • Fixed emoji capturing for the feedback widget and made it wait when submitting screenshots and submitting at the same time

  • Added ability to query, update, create & delete comments from the API

  • Changelog tag colors can now be changed

  • + many minor things

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March 26th 2024


We're incredibly happy to announce that surveys are now natively built into Featurebase.

This lets you:

  • Measure customer satisfaction with (NPS, CSAT, and other scores)

  • Better prioritize between ideas by running surveys for different customer groups

  • Collect feedback for certain features with simple text popups

  • Gather upvotes and subscribe interested users to posts with Featurebase idea surveys

The survey texts/options are fully customizable and everything adapts to your own colors.

They can be embedded into your app and targeted to only be shown for certain user segments or on set URLs/CSS selectors.

Each survey type has a dedicated statistics page to help you visualize your results:

We're excited to continue making surveys even better by supporting email notifications and the ability to have multiple questions within one survey soon.

To set up Surveys, add our survey widget to your app by following this guide and create your first survey from Dashboard -> Surveys.

Can't wait for y'all to try it out and share any feedback! :)

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March 18th 2024


Our systems are constantly monitoring for spam and harmful comments, which will now be automatically pushed for you to review in the Moderation view.

Before you approve a comment, it will not be publicly visible to others and no email notification will be sent out either.

The comment moderation tab will automatically appear for all organizations when a spam comment is detected.

However, it can also be turned on as a global option, so all comments will first have to be approved before being shown to others.

To enable that, head over to Settings -> Moderation & Permissions.

We've also made a number of quality-of-life improvements:

  • When adding an upvoter manually, you can now search through existing users rather than having to enter the email each time.

  • In addition to YouTube videos, Loom & Descript videos can now also be embedded in all text editors.

  • When clicking on comment notifications from email, the page will now automatically scroll to the new comment and highlight it.

  • + many minor bug fixes

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February 25th 2024



You can now make Featurebase entirely your own with custom themes. When enabled, it will be applied to the entire feedback portal and all widgets.

This will currently force your overall theme to a dark mode, but support for custom light themes is also coming soon.

To set it up, head over to Settings -> Branding and change the default theme to "Custom theme".

After that, you'll be able to configure the settings for the custom theme.

When configuring the theme settings, we recommend previewing your feedback board in a separate tab.

For vibrant colors, we recommend setting the saturation level setting between 10-30. For more tone-down colors, the saturation level can be set much higher.

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February 19th 2024


You can now customize the input fields of new posts to make sure you always get the necessary information from your users.

There are 5 input options available:

  • Text fields

  • Checkboxes

  • Number fields

  • Multiple option selection

  • Single option selection

You can change the label/placeholder to fit your needs and choose if a field should be required.

To set it up, head over to Settings -> Custom fields to create the fields.

After the fields have been created, head over to Settings -> Feedback board and edit any of the boards to make sure the newly created fields are applied.

If you have any ideas about how we could make it better, feel free to share your feedback Custom fields for post creation.

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February 12th 2024

In many cases, users click on Featurebase email notifications from other devices or interact on your feedback board via a widget - making them have to sign in again when visiting your feedback portal directly.

With the new update, users no longer have to worry about logging in when clicking links from Featurebase emails as every link will automatically sign them in.

(Keep in mind this only applies to your end users, not Featurebase admins.)

Advanced spam detection

All posts and comments are now processed by our state-of-the-art detector to identify spam or harmful content.

If something gets flagged, it will automatically appear in the post-moderation view for review (even when the post-moderation option is disabled).

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February 9th 2024

We're excited to introduce a brand new inbox for the post-moderation feature that allows you to fly through the approval process with keyboard shortcuts and a more optimized view.

The moderation inbox separates your feedback backlog and posts that need to be answered for a more efficient and organized approach.

It supports keyboard shortcuts for navigating between the posts with ease:

  • ArrowUp and ArrowDown for navigating the results

  • 1 - Approve post

  • 2 - Mark as a duplicate (Merge to an existing post)

  • 3 - Delete post

  • 4 - Discuss the post privately with the author

Feedback widget screenshot engine rework

The feedback widget screenshot engine has been fully rewritten to handle a lot of different environments with incredibly accurate results.

Dashboard redesign and custom themes

We've also redesigned the Dashboard to show you much more information and fill up more unused space.

In addition to that, everything now adapts to your colors for a magical experience. Including many parts of the public feedback portal that weren't customized before. ✨

+ many minor bug fixes & improvements

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February 1st 2024



The post creation has been completely redone to give you and your users a much better experience.

All the properties of the post: status, tags, assignee, author, and the ETA, can be added straight from the creation popup without having to open it later.

When you have multiple boards, then the board will now be automatically assigned to the feedback using AI.

It is fine-tuned on the posts already submitted to your boards to achieve more accurate results.

Discuss posts privately with the author

You can now keep posts private between the author and admins to discuss more personal matters that should not be shown to everyone on the public board.

This option will appear when choosing to approve posts or at the top right "Manage Post" section as an Eye icon.

Changelog updates

All changelogs now support commenting and reactions to create a more collaborative environment around your feedback portal.

The functionality is also built into the Changelog Popup and the All-In-One widget.

We've also been shipping several quality-of-life improvements:

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January 3rd 2024



We've reworked the entire search functionality to also use AI-powered suggestions.

This helps you find posts without having to remember the exact way it was written.

We've been also busy shipping tons of smaller quality-of-life improvements like:

The changelog rework

The look and feel of the public changelog page have also been redone to be easier to read.

Change post author

You can now finally change the post author ongoingly. Effortlessly search through all existing users or add new ones if needed.

Intercom integration improvements

The Intercom integration has received a massive update to help you subscribe people who request features to posts that exist in Featurebase to receive updates.

If a post does not exist, a new one can also be created from the Intercom messenger.

Other changes

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November 30th 2023


We're incredibly excited to announce one of the most impactful changes to Featurebase.

All posts on your feedback board are now processed by our AI engine to give you amazingly accurate similar post detection.

This should dramatically reduce the number of duplicate posts you get and help you reference related ideas when viewing posts:

When viewing posts, ideas that are highly related will be automatically shown, and you can view even more results if needed.

This makes it super easy to merge duplicate ideas since you don't have to keep track of similar posts yourself.

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