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Sorting rework

Users want two sorting directions (ascending and descending) for all options (e.g., upvotes, trending, date). For example, if the sorting option is ‘Upvotes,’ there should be two options: Descending: where it shows the most upvoted posts first Ascending: where it shows the least upvoted posts first. There should also be a Status sorting option. Also for roadmaps, it’s quite critical to have a manual sorting option. The options should be renamed as well for clarity: Upvotes Trending Upvoter revenue Posted date Due date Status Manual And ‘Pending’ should be a filter, not a sorting option. This type of sorting would open up so many new ways to slice and dice feedback. Many users have asked for ways to sort ‘oldest posts first’ for example, but can’t with the current system.

Markus from Featurebase 14 days ago


Feature Request